
2016 news

2016 news

10th October, 2016

Main image - Remembrance Day. Concert in aid of RBL Poppy Appeal, Penryn Methodist Church 11th November

Christmas Eve – Falmouth

16th December - Flushing

Alan Trevethick ( Choir President) receives his 15 years’ service certificate from the

Chairman, Michael Higham St Peter’s Church, Flushing

Alan Trevethick complete with certificate and "gong"

Edward James receives his certificates from the Choir and from the Cornwall Federation, presented by the President – for 40 years’ service to Nankersey

Guest Artiste Karen Hurn, Soprano

Christmas "get together" Falmouth Hotel 12th December
Carols and mince pies.

Waitrose Supermarket, Truro, 2nd December

Our supporters enjoyed shopping as well as listening to carols in the grocery department

Choir Coffee Morning, Falmouth Methodist Church, 26th November

The Choir sang in the foyer for the first time and were pleased to have Ruth Best as our accompanist

Pre-Christmas carol singing, Etherington’s Butchery, near REDRUTH 20thNovember

Remembrance Day. Concert in aid of RBL Poppy Appeal, Penryn Methodist Church 11th November


Colville Lodge, Falmouth 8th October

Compere:- Adrian Wilton.

Guest Artist - Rebekah Scamp ( Soprano )


Shared Concert at Chapel Street Methodist Church 23rd October

PRINCESS PAVILION - September 12th

Our second visit - this time a DIY event!

Mike Uren playing "Morning in Cornwall"

Alex George ( First Tenor )- Compere

John Christophers (Second Tenor ) - Guest Artist

"MUSIC FOR A SUMMER EVENING" at Gwennap Church July 27th 2016
Guest Artist RAY BOWDEN

Guest Artiste: Becky Furse

COLIN TOOMEY receives his 10 years Long Service Certificate from the Choir President, Alan Trevethick

COLIN BLACKMORE receives his 35 years Long Service Certificate from Choir President, Alan Trevethick

Deputy Accompanist, CLIVE ELLISON receives a certificate to acknowledge his 30 years association with Nankersey.

Afterglow singing at the "Seven Stars"

FLUSHING METHODIST CHURCH ( Regatta Week) July 26th.

This was the very last time for this annual concert as the Church was being closed down.

ANNUAL GARDEN FETE - held at Gyllingdune Gardens , Falmouth - July 23rd 2016

International Shanty Festival 2016,Events Square, Falmouth 17th June 2016


April 24th presentations by President, Alan Trevethick to members of the choir for long service

Peter Le Patourel - 10 years service (standing on the left).

David Rowe - 16 years service (standing on the right).

Alan Jory - 20 years service (standing on the right).

Ivor "Raffy" Richardson being presented with a gift from the Choir to recognise his many years service as the Choir's Deputy Musical Director. President for 2016-2017, Alan Trevethick making the presentation.

Dennis Moses is the first recipient of the Attendance Cup, kindly donated by Dennis Teague , Choir President 2015-2016, who is making the presentaion.